Visa Turkey request

  • Heb ik een visum nodig voor Turkije?
  • Moet ik het visum voor mijn aankomst in Turkije regelen?
    Nee, je kunt maximaal 90 dagen verblijven
Calculate visa costs Calculate visa costs
Calculate visa costs

Scan paspoort of ID
Scan paspoort of ID
  • Minstens 180 dagen geldig
Scan vliegticket
Scan vliegticket
  • Kopie van je vluchtschema of ticket
Visa time Visa cost
Validation of visa Max. stay per entry Processing time at embassy Embassy costs Service costs Total costs
single entry 3 months 90 Calendar days 1 working days €0 €0 €0
Request a visa

E-visa Turkey: nationality

When you are not in the possession of a Dutch or Belgian nationality we can also apply for your visa. When you are not sure if you need a visa, then please contact us, we will find it out for you!

For most nationalities the Turkish E-visa is valid for 90 days. However, there are some exceptions, like for example Suriname. 

KES can request the E-visa at the Turkish embassy if you are in the possession of a passport or ID-card of the following countries:
Netherlands Belgium
USA Australia
Canada UK
Ireland Croatia
Norway Austria
Poland Portugal
Spain Suriname

The easiest way to apply for Turkish visa!

Do I need a visa for Turkey? Yes
Do I have to arrange the visa before my arrival in Turkey? Yes, E-visa
How long in advance can I apply for the visa for Turkey? The visa is valid on the date you fill in as the requestdate. So, calculate well from when to when you are staying in Turkey. 
From when is the issued visa valid? Valid on the moment you fill in as the requestdate

Since November 2014 it is not possible anymore to apply for visa at the Turkish airport at arrival. The Turkish Ministery of Foreign Affairs has conducted a website where you can easily apply for an e-visa for your trip. The only downside is that you can only pay by creditcard on this website. 

What if you are not in the possession of a creditcard? At our website,, you can pay with iDeal, or you can pick up your visa at our office and pay by cash!
Request a visa Request a visa

Frequently Asked Questions Turkey